Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is program that protects undocumented immigrants, also called DREAMers, who came to the U.S. as children. It provides individuals with protection from deportation as well as work authorization. As of the date of this...
Protecting Our Clients’ Rights And Futures
Month: July 2024
How to bring your fiancé(e) to the U.S. to marry
If you want to marry someone who does not have the right to live in the U.S., things will be more complex. If you wish to get married in the U.S., first you will need to get them a visa that gives them the right to travel here to do so. The visa in question is known...
Temporary Protected Status Extended and Redesignated for Haitians
On June 28, 2024 the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that Haiti’s designation as a country covered under Temporary Protected Status (TPS) will be extended for an additional 18 months from its scheduled end date. The new end date is February 3, 2026. Current...
Cómo el Nuevo Anuncio del Presidente Biden Ayuda a los Cónyuges e Hijos de Ciudadanos Estadounidenses
El 18 de junio de 2024, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) anunció un nuevo proceso para promover la unidad familiar en el sistema de inmigración. ¿A quién ayuda este proceso? Individuos presentes en los Estados Unidos sin admisión o Parole; Que hayan estado...