Getting a green card can be time-consuming, expensive and challenging. Hence, it would be tragic to have it taken away from you. Here are a few of the ways you could jeopardize your status: Immigration doesn't believe you are residing in the U.S. One way people risk...
Protecting Our Clients’ Rights And Futures
What are English language exemptions for naturalization?
Becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States is the end of a long immigration journey for many – but it requires those hopeful applicants to meet specific requirements – including demonstrating their proficiency in English. It can be difficult, however, for...
What does it take to become a naturalized U.S. citizen?
Becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen can be a significant life event. It grants you the same rights and privileges as someone born in the United States. However, the process can be complex. You must meet specific requirements to become a naturalized citizen. First, you...

What is the Family Reunification Parole (“FRP) Process?
The Family Reunification Parole Process announced in May of 2023 is available to: Certain nationals of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras (including their immediate family petitioners) who have approved family-based petitions (Form I-130) Who can file a...

10 Things to Know Before You Apply for Naturalization
People often ask us what to expect in a naturalization interview to become a U.S. citizen. It’s an exciting time and at our firm we celebrate every single one of our clients who choose to become a U.S. citizen. We know that for many, it has been a long journey to this...